News from the Heartland of Japan Vol. 27

News from the Heartland of Japan Vol. 27

Welcome to the travel newsletter from Heartland JAPAN.
We aim to bring you the latest news about off the beaten track
travel in Japan, as well as our latest offers and tours.


・Heartland JAPAN Announcement
・New Project: Kumano Kodo’s Iseji Route
・Recent News Round-up
・About Heartland JAPAN

Greetings from the new Heartland JAPAN Newsletter Editor!

My name is Cait, and I’ll

 be taking over from Niki as the new Editor of the Heartland JAPAN fortnightly newsletter.
I’m excited to start sharing everything that Heartland JAPAN has been up to recently with you!

Heartland JAPAN Announcement

Heartland JAPAN was created with the goal of introducing the lesser-known areas of Japan to a global market, increasing inbound tourism and designing experiences that would not only be enjoyable for tourists, but also provide benefits for the locals living in areas that our clients would visit.

Inspired by this ambition, we have put every effort into marketing ourselves across the world, and now we are excited to say that our hard work is paying off.  

In the past 10 months, we have helped a growing number of clients to discover the wonders that Japan have to offer, and now our total number of guest nights has exceeded 3000.This is still very early days for Heartland JAPAN, and we are excited to see where the future will take us! 

New Project: Kumano Kodo’s Iseji Route

Heartland JAPAN is excited to announce the launch of a new project, aimed at introducing the beautiful scenery and fascinating people who live along Kumano Kodo’s Iseji Pilgrimage Route to the world!

Kumano Kodo: Kumano Kodo is a popular World Heritage Site, well known for its Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes. Tourists wishing to see and experience true and historical Japan often take part in pilgrimage walks in this area, admiring the rich heritage that Kumano Kodo has to offer.

Iseji: Of all of the pilgrimage routes in Kumano Kodo, Iseji is probably the least well-known, despite its strong history dating back to the Edo Period and the beauty of the riverssea and landscapes it passes. Dotted across the route are many wonderful villages, where the simple, traditional lifestyles of the locals make them the perfect location to experience a different, special side of Japan. 

Heartland JAPAN is passionate about helping the people of the Iseji area to develop their rich tourism resources in order to receive the global recognition it deserves.
If you’re interested in experiencing the Iseji Route for yourself, why not take a look at our 7 day tour, exploring the views, shrines and traditions that make this area so unique?

Recent News Round-Up

This year the VISIT JAPAN and MICE MART (VJTM) business meeting will be held in Osaka, from October 24th to 26th, 2019.
Heartland JAPAN will not be attending this event, but if you will be and plan to spend time in Tokyo during your visit, we would love to meet you.
If you would be interested in visiting our office or discussing Heartland JAPAN’s ambitions and goals over a cup of coffee, please click below to get in touch!

About Heartland JAPAN

We at Heartland JAPAN believe that travel can be a life-changing experience and the means for inspiration. We are a travel company that provides custom and group soft adventure travel tours to off-the-beaten-track locations across Japan. Our mission is to give travellers an insight into authentic Japan. Participants have the opportunity to meet locals, visit historically and culturally important sites, take part in hands-on activities, try regional products and cuisine, as well as enjoy hiking through some of the most breathtakingly beautiful nature Japan has to offer. For more information, please visit our tours website.

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